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Water Main Repairs
in Worcester
No VAT 7 Days
Water Main Repairs in Worcester
Worcester Water Mains
We will replace the old water main with new plastic pipe to provide you with a reliable supply of drinking water and prevent the disruption caused by old burst pipes.
If your home was built before 1970, there’s a chance that your water supply pipe is made from lead. This is the pipe that brings water into your home from the water main in the street. These days, lead pipes are no longer used for health reasons.
Medical experts believe that traces of lead in your water can be harmful. However, there is an easy way to check to see whether your water supply pipe is made of lead. Look for the pipe that runs from outside to your stop tap, for the majority of homes this will be under the kitchen sink, or in a downstairs toilet.
Lead pipes are pretty distinctive. They are dark grey (underneath any paint), soft, and easily marked. Even if the rest of your pipes are made from copper, your supply pipe could still be lead.
We can carry out water main repairs or replacement with new plastic pipe to provide you with a reliable supply of drinking water and reduce the disruption caused to you when a water main bursts.